Sunday, November 08, 2020

Cruz on Fox: ‘The Media Doesn't Decide Elections’

Senator Ted Cruz points out that the media doesn't select the President. The voters elect the President, and by law, all legal votes must be counted before the winner is determined. So, the Presidential election is still undecided, despite what the media is saying. 

Senator Cruz also emphasizes that there will be a run off for two Senators in Georgia in January 2021. He explains that if the Senate is at 50-50, and Biden ends up winning, they could vote in all kinds of things, like giving the Demonicrats a packed Supreme Court, two more states with their four Senators most likely being Demonicrats, and what ever horrible Green New Deal laws they will come up with that will destroy the economy.  The Republicans, if they can maintain the majority in the U. S. Senate, can stop those things, even if Joe Biden ends up winning, God forbid.



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