Monday, November 09, 2020

Resist ~ Ep. 1388 ~ The Dan Bongino Show®

From the Dan Bongino Show's description of this episode in his Show Notes (a.k.a. Newsletter!):
In this episode, I discuss the path forward. We don’t owe the left, or their media enablers, squat. We will fight on. I’ll explain how.

So, the Demonicrats and media are calling for unity now that Joe Biden has "won"?  I guess you would know that if all you watch is the legacy mainstream media.  And, they use that tactic after four years of ripping and hating on President Trump.  Well, it isn't working.

It's funny, in these days of cell phones and mass contact with the world, that more people would have been aware of the Demonicrat agenda to take away our civil liberties with the Biden and Harris ticket being in office.  And with the two more Senators from Georgia that they need to make it an even 50-50 split in the Senate should the Demonicrats get those wins, thus making Harris, as Vice President, the deciding vote.  That would take away the Republicans' ability in the Senate to put a halt to their agenda.  There would be no stopping the Demonicrats from pushing all of their agenda through.

Fortunately, it seems that at least half of the people in this country are immune from gaslighting by the Demonicrats and fake news media.  

Going forward from here, there is hopefully a chance to get the election results right.  At lease there is a path to that possibility of another four years for President Trump.  Recounts are going to happen, and there will be all kinds of court cases being filed.  And we have some great attorneys out there that are going to help the Trump campaign fight the good fight!

And best of all, we have Dan Bongino to help us keep our resolve to not just give up.  The final bell has not rang.  He will provide us with the information that we need to know.  Despite all he is going through, especially with his health concerns, Dan "ain't giving up."  No way.  That is for the bed "quitters" out there.  

The emphasis is on the fact that the President isn't about to give up!  

That's the extremely good news!  He's not like the RINOs out there that say the civil thing to do now is to concede.  Not going to happen.  And if you don't like battles like this, then maybe just go sit in the corner and keep the pie hole shut.  (Geez, Dan, you're starting to wear off on me!)  Count me in on the Resistance Movement!

And yes, Dan is right, President Trump needs to do a really YUGE rally, somewhere, NOW!! 


I know, Dan Bongino would prefer that I embed the video here. However, I'm a little nervous when it comes to using Rumble's java script embedding code in my blogs, so that is why I'm still using the YouTube embedded video of the episode so you can see it here on this page. That being said, here is the link to the video of this episode so that you can watch it on

Be sure to see the SHOW NOTES for Episode 1388 for related news stories.

Looking for news? The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.

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