Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A National Nightmare Last Night ~ Ep. 1179 ~ The Dan Bongino Show ~ Video

"I do not need the government to legislate my happiness, or for that matter, my misery!!"

(I needed to edit this post for the reason that I had meant to include that quote, from my pinned tweet on Twitter.)

This may be one of your favorite episodes of The Dan Bongino Show, if you have been following him as I have been. I know that Dan is pretty intense at times, but the beginning of this show starts out with Dan going off the scale on the "intensometer," as I would call it. Of course, you're going to want to watch the video below, but I know you want to know why he was so intense. Spoiler alert, I'll give you a hint: He was talking about Bernie Sanders, a Socialist Demonicrat (yes, I am aware that I misspelled "Democrat," and it was on purpose), not even a registered Demonicrat! And he won the 2020 Demonicrat Primary election in New Hampshire, one of the two bell-weather states. Seriously, what are those people thinking? Dan very intensely addresses that question.

But there are some lighter moments in this episode that I know you'll enjoy, too! Like when a female reporter asks a guy a question, and gets an answer she was not expecting. That was definitely an "LOL" moment! A total MSM journalist faceplant. Oh, and the bad news for the Biden and Warren 2020 campaigns come up in this segment, too!

And then, there is this. Dan emphasizes the point that it does matter about the popular vote, even though the Electoral College is still in affect (for now). Yes, it is for a big, big, "yugely" logical reason. For sure, you're going to have to watch this episode to know why, I'm not going to spoil that one.

And last, but not least, if you are wondering if the Trump base is fired up or not, check this out. A graphic Dan saw that shows some interesting numbers of voters in an incumbent second term reelection in New Hampshire.

I assure you that watching this episode is pretty important. This country and all it stands for, is being attacked from within, just as we've been warned about. The very idea of Socialism should shake you to the core, and that is why you need to vote this November, for President Donald J. Trump, and send a RESOUNDING message to those on the Left, that there's no way we'll let Socialism into this country, and lose all of our freedom.

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