Friday, May 07, 2010

Not so 'NICE' ~ By Erik Rush

Erik writes about the fact that anytime there is dissent against the administrations agenda or ObamaCare, those people are ridiculed. And why does that happen? I think that Erik explains that pretty well in this column.
The left is still having a fair amount of success labeling people like me as fear mongers. Despite having been right with our various prognostications over the years, all of the above charges are simply laughed off by collectivists in the beltway and a complicit, if obtuse, news media.

For some Americans, this may put a completely different spin on the rhetoric they've been hearing from the administration these days, as well as the assurances that the events we doomsayers are predicting won't come about.

You didn't expect them to admit they were finally installing that dystopian nightmare regime they dreamed about in their youth, did you?

By Erik Rush

Posted: May 06, 2010 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2010

As the reader may recall, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and scores of other prominent "fear mongers" were ridiculed for asserting that recently passed health-care legislation would despoil our health-care system, and that it was truly calculated to augment the federal government's power and not about health care at all.

The reader may also recall – unless you happen to be very, very young – government programs (particularly entitlements) invariably swell to titanic proportions over time, despite all assurances from politicians that this won't occur.

An associate of mine has a play opening off-Broadway this summer. It's called "NICE" after the U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. NICE is the body within Britain's national health-care system that establishes guidelines with regard to who should receive how much and what level of health care. The play centers around four siblings who are forced to confront death and their own personal issues.

One of NICE's protocols, called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), is an outline of care for terminal patients. It is from this model Sarah Palin derived her reference to "death panels" when speaking out against Obamacare.

The reason I bring this up now – other than the fact that socialized medicine kills people – is this: Despite the Obama administration being sorely inept at governance (which makes sense, since it is an agent of destruction), it is quite adept when it comes to sleight of hand, or drawing attention to what one tentacle is doing while the significant action is being executed by another.

While such things as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, immigration and so-called reform of the financial services industry are noteworthy, and do underscore important aspects of the administration's character (or lack thereof), they are also serving to mask behind-the-scenes implementation of new health-care measures and such revelations as Whoops! This health-care thing is going to cost more than we thought, and Gee – this isn't really going to bring down premiums, after all, is it?


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