Monday, January 20, 2020

The Solution to Mass Shootings, Crime, and Your Own Personal Struggles - JJ McNown - Video

I learned about JJ McNown on Twitter. His handle there is @jjmcnown. I've met a lot of pretty cool people over on Twitter. There is a ground swell of people that feel what I feel.

It isn't the proverbial "fad" like some on the left would try to tell you. It isn't a bunch of people that jumped on a bandwagon because it was the cool thing to do - at the moment. No, heck no! It is because a bunch of people found out that there were a bunch of people that felt the same way that a bunch of people felt - which was, this country is falling apart because of a certain mindset in the "political class" known as the Left...

Okay, enough of my rant. Just check these things out. I know you are busy. I know it's hard to keep up on everything, always so much to do. However, I say that with emphasis, I'm about to make my own announcement soon, on a way we can help you stay informed while being so busy with life.

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