Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bernie Sanders, this will never be a Socialist Country!

Bernie Sanders, this will never be a Socialist country,  whether YOU like it or not!

There was something that struck me the other day (Feb. 26, 2019), as I was watching "The Five" on Fox News, as I always do (every day that it is on, as long as my DVR recorder is behaving). I remember the days when I was young, and there was only the network news, and no talk radio or the internet, to inform us of how horrible the world is around us... Mostly war (Viet Nam), natural disasters, assassinations, and anti-war protests, would make the newscasts. But, somehow, I wasn't indoctrinated into the understanding of the way those on the left wanted me to believe.

Somehow, and thankfully, I didn't ever believe that Communism or Socialism was the answer to MY problems! I was fortunate to have met some very sincere people in my late 20's that taught me about Free Enterprise, and to always have a desire to live free. Financially free.  No, not the kind of living "free" that Bernie Sanders, (and many more Democrats who are running for President, that are on the far left), are telling us that they will do for us. Wait, though... That is what they would do TO us!

Not allowing people to take advantage of this great freedom that we now have, to be what you want to be, by hard work, is extremely dangerous. The United States of America is truly one of the few places on Earth where people actually have an equal opportunity to succeed, to get a great education, to serve their fellow human beings on a voluntary basis, and even to be elected to office with very minimal qualifications. Just take away the motivation to work hard to get ahead, and what do you get? Bernie Bergers from garbage trucks, maybe?

In the first part of this segment from the show, they show a video clip of Bernie Sanders going on about basic human rights (to about everything, which is probably already available across this country). A note to the Democrat Party: So, what about the human rights of a child that has been conceived, and is still in the womb; let alone, outside of the womb in a botched abortion? How about their human rights?

~ Thank you to Greg Gutfeld of Fox News Channel,  and "The Five," for allowing me to post this awesome segment, for educational use only.  ~

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